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Spring Cleaning made easy with Facility Services - Northern Uniform
Facility Services for Spring Cleaning Your Business

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As the days grow longer and the weather turns more mild, spring is the perfect time to refresh your facility. At Northern Uniform, we believe that a clean, well-maintained establishment sets the tone for success – projecting professionalism, enhancing productivity, and delivering a welcoming environment for both employees and customers. 

First impressions are very important, and studies show it can take as little as a tenth of a second for people to form an initial opinion. That split-second judgment can have a lasting impact, shaping their overall perception of your company. Whether it’s the cleanliness of your entryway floors or if your washroom is well-stocked, every visual cue contributes to that first impression. 

Setting up a strategic spring cleaning checklist and incorporating a comprehensive facility services program for your workplace is crucial for creating a positive, lasting impression. A clean facility sends the right message to customers, clients, and employees alike. 

How to Keep Floors Clean During Spring 

During the spring season, unpredictable weather can bring rain, mud, and other debris into your facility. Placing high-quality floor mats at all entrances is an excellent way to trap dirt and grime before it’s tracked inside. Additionally, this helps prevent slip and fall incidents, which can be costly for businesses.

Effective mopping is also essential for keeping floors fresh and inviting. It’s critical to keep mops clean, as a dirty mop can spread bacteria throughout your facility. With mop rentals from Northern, you never have to worry about maintaining your own mops. We’ll ensure they are properly laundered and replaced as needed, so your floors stay spotless all season long. 

Industry-Specific Towel Rentals 

From microfiber cloths that swiftly tackle dust and grime, to durable shop towels ready to handle oil and grease cleanups, our towel rental program has you covered. We’ll work with you to determine the specific towel types, quantities, and laundering schedule that best suits the needs of your business. You’ll always have the right towels on hand for every spring cleaning task.

Our towel rental options include:

  • Microfiber towels
  • Bath towels 
  • Tea towels
  • Tavern towels
  • Shop towels  

Facility Service Essentials for Your Washrooms

Your washroom should always be properly supplied with high-quality paper products, hand soap, and sanitizing solutions. A dirty or neglected washroom can send a negative message about your business and its commitment to cleanliness and customer care.

We’ll work with you to develop a program to replenish supplies on a scheduled basis, ensuring your facilities are always ready throughout the spring season and beyond. No more last-minute supply runs or having to devote valuable staff time to inventory management. 

The Importance of a Clean Workplace 

Beyond just aesthetics, maintaining a clean workplace has been shown to enhance employee morale and productivity. A clean workplace also promotes a safer, healthier environment for your team. Reducing clutter and thoroughly disinfecting surfaces helps minimize the spread of germs and illnesses, which can disrupt operations. 

Ready to make spring cleaning a breeze? Partner with Northern today to customize a facility services program that elevates your business and invests in the well-being and satisfaction of your employees and customers. 
